Monday, January 14, 2008

We finally broke down!!!

I'm hoping that our lessons show us which end of the club to hang on to!!!

The purpose of this blog was, and remains, to be a lighthearted reporting of our journeys, highlighting the “screw ups” and genuine “discoveries” of the trip. However, every once in while we genuinely experience something bigger than a fun vacation.

I may be the only person on earth who thinks that Sam Peckinpah’s movie “Straw Dogs” is the quintessential “good triumphing over evil” movie but, I challenge anyone to argue that “Shake Hands With the Devil” is not the definitive ”evil triumphing over good” movie. This Canadian production, shown at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, is so NOT “Hotel Rwanda”. In fact the entire production, which was filmed in Rwanda with many African actors, depicting Romeo Dallaire’s book of the same name, is visually beautiful while at the same time, being factually abhorrent. It captured the book perfectly, with one exception. The book clearly highlights that Kofi Annan, then the “go-to” guy for Africa at the United Nations, was rewarded for presiding over the genocide of over 800,000 Rwandans and doing nothing, with the position of Secretary General of the UN!! The movie glossed over this salient fact. The UN however, is shown to be nothing but a sham institution. This movie is one of the most powerful we have ever seen. Reviewers at the festival are reporting “Oscar buzz”. See this movie!!!!!

It was particularly interesting to hear the producer of the movie answering questions of an American audience, after the movie clearly pummeled the USA for its “hands off” approach to this huge international disaster. France was also assailed for attempting to prop up Hutu forces in Rwanda, in support of French interests. Romeo Dallaire’s descent into suicidal depression is so easy to understand!! One suspects that corporate support, to widely distribute this movie in the US, will be “slim to none”.

On a lighter note, we have finally succumbed to the “golf fever” in the air in Palm Springs and, both purchased sets of golf clubs. With lessons planned and golf courses everywhere, we will likely have many rounds under our belts before returning to Canada. I guess it was inevitable!!

I loved the “Earth Wind & Fire” concert on Saturday night. Brenda preferred B.B. King. To me, EW&F is the ultimate rock show band. Lots of energy, great musicianship (is that a word?) and a songbook of wonderful hits. The “boomer” audience was singing along with each song and, on their feet for most of the concert. What does Brenda know????

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