Monday, January 28, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Watch that first step!!! It's a beaut!!

Part of the crew on "Top of the World"

Apres ski at the outdoor "Roo Bar"

The view from our outdoor lunch table on the "last day". Good pick Waldo!!

We’ve taken a bit of a break from blogging in order to go skiing in Switzerland on the “annual guys’ trip”. During the break, I was again reprimanded by my young Toronto friend. He is one very unforgiving, but apparently regular, reader of the blog! We’re back D!

The destination for this year’s trip was St. Moritz, with the accent on the ..ritz. In my experience, St. Moritz is the top end of the scale in ski locales. I have never before seen chauffeur driven Rolls Royce limos dropping skiers off at the base of the lifts! We walked! Again, Mike, our fearless leader, planned a perfect trip; lots of sun; good ski conditions; and more laughs than could be counted. Sadly, Mike’s father passed away early in the trip, necessitating his immediate return home. Mike was sorely missed. A new twist this year was a 5 km. sled trip, rocketing down a mountain, at night, from one picturesque Swiss town to another, starting with some liquid courage and, followed with a laugh filled dinner, at which 3 of our number dined without their pants!!! It’s a very long story. I may be a mid-level skier but, I easily passed many of our number to arrive at our destination first. Could it be my weight???? Jimmy Mc. gets top marks for planning this adventure.

I returned to Palm Springs on a 14 hour flight from Zurich to LA, missing my connection, then spending the following day at LAX waiting for the weather to allow flights into Palm Springs. Never happened!! We ended up bussing to Palm Springs at the end of day II. Fun!!

The Palm Springs residents are all saying that this is the coldest winter they remember. In addition there has been a reasonable amount of rain since Christmas. It NEVER rains here!! Oh yeah??? It’s got to get better soon. We’re waiting…………….

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