Anyone remember Monty Python's skit on Lupines. These are the desert variety
A Beavertail Cactus about to reach full bloom
John & Joan, friends from Brockville, left today, after visiting the area for the better part of a week. We had a great time and jointly discovered a few new eating establishments all along the dining spectrum. Since most of our exploits were nocturnal and, since I am getting lazier and lazier, we have few photographs with which to blackmail each other. They, too, rented a sporty convertible and therein blasted out of town this morning, heading to Phoenix in order to visit with John’s brother, who lives there. Tonight we’re eating in!!!!
Brenda and I hiked through the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument today. This is a national park in which the desert wildflowers are just coming into the peak bloom season. Again this year, the lack of rain last autumn prevented many of the seed species from germinating. However, some late winter rain did manage to coax many species into bloom. It is almost impossible to believe that so much colour can be produced out of rocks and sand. We are told that in a year where there have been autumnal rains in the prior year, the desert floor becomes a blanket of colour. We’ll just have to come back again!!! Even now, hiking through the washes and trails gets very hot by mid-day. The summer heat must just bake all this flora into oblivion.
We have sadly begun to plan the trek home. Since no comprehensive road trip of the USA could possibly be complete without a visit to NASCAR, we have just received our tickets for the Samsung 500 in Forth Worth Texas. We will be spending some time there on the journey home, in order to visit with Brenda’s brother, who is posted there. He promises us a rootin’ tootin’ time so we had best rest up. We noticed that north Texas got a dump of snow last night so, we’ll stay put for a few more weeks before setting out.
Brenda and I hiked through the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument today. This is a national park in which the desert wildflowers are just coming into the peak bloom season. Again this year, the lack of rain last autumn prevented many of the seed species from germinating. However, some late winter rain did manage to coax many species into bloom. It is almost impossible to believe that so much colour can be produced out of rocks and sand. We are told that in a year where there have been autumnal rains in the prior year, the desert floor becomes a blanket of colour. We’ll just have to come back again!!! Even now, hiking through the washes and trails gets very hot by mid-day. The summer heat must just bake all this flora into oblivion.
We have sadly begun to plan the trek home. Since no comprehensive road trip of the USA could possibly be complete without a visit to NASCAR, we have just received our tickets for the Samsung 500 in Forth Worth Texas. We will be spending some time there on the journey home, in order to visit with Brenda’s brother, who is posted there. He promises us a rootin’ tootin’ time so we had best rest up. We noticed that north Texas got a dump of snow last night so, we’ll stay put for a few more weeks before setting out.
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