Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ground Zero

Around Clarksdale, the fields are "littered" with 1000's of bales (called modules) of cotton, each the size of a tractor trailer

Ground Zero Club - outside / very classy!!!

Ground Zero Club - inside / fried catfish with turnip greens and fried ocra ........ when in Rome ......

Beale Street - Friday night - Can't you just FEEL the LOVE

One cannot "walk the street" without a "traveller"

More blues performers have come from the Mississippi delta than all other states combined. The crossroads of the Mississippi blues scene is Clarksdale, home to the “Ground Zero” blues club and, where legend has it that blues superstar Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil in order to play the blues. The Ground Zero club is now owned and actively managed by actor Morgan Freeman and, to his credit, he hasn’t touched a thing. To say that this club is a “dive” is giving it far more prestige than it deserves but …………… it’s where it all started! The early blues performers honed their skills around Clarksdale then headed off to Memphis, Chicago or New York to record and seek fame and fortune.

Returning to Memphis, we drove into the town of Tunica, Mississippi, population 10,000. Tunica benefits economically from the many Mississippi casinos scattered around the area but, for a Brockvillian, the draw is Tunica River Park. This Mississippi River interpretive centre (any of our Brockville friends beginning to “get it?”) is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! It is precisely what the planned “Tall Ships” project in Brockville could be ……….. with tons of money! The audio / video presentations are particularly well done. In one, we descended (virtually) to the bottom of the Mississippi in an antique diving bell. Considering we were looking at 3 A/V projections, the sensation was remarkable. Have a look at and, trust me ………….. the centre is far better than the web site. On the web site, take the “360 Tour” and click on the “Go” signs allowing a 360° tour of the interior.

Then there was Friday night on Beale Street – what we came for! One must see it to believe it; blues bands everywhere, in the clubs, down alleys and in the parks. And, the people-watching is better than anywhere! Friday is THE night in Memphis.

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