Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Back in the saddle again!

The Carter Oval Office and a new friend we met in Atlanta

It always seems to surprise us when things go according to plan. That must say something about us or the world in which we live, I’m not sure which. However, we got to Atlanta, everything was where we left it and EVERYTHING WORKED!! Damn, it’s great when that happens.

After getting groceries, filling tanks, checking and lubricating stuff, we set out to explore Atlanta. We had a great dinner with young friends from Newfoundland, who have settled here and love it. They gave us the low down on the local “scene” and, it sounds like Atlanta is a place to be if you are a young mover and shaker. Being an old trembler and shaker we don’t need to worry about the “scene” in Atlanta. But…….we did get to the Carter Library (that’s 3 presidents covered….a few to go) and the Georgia Aquarium. Both excellent stops but, the aquarium is remarkable. It has been open for just over a year and is now the largest aquarium in the world. Snorkeling was never like this!!! They have every fish and marine mammal we have ever heard of (how do you say that without ending the sentence with a preposition?) [They have every fish and marine mammal of which we have ever heard – dorky] The 27 foot long whale sharks wouldn’t have to eat you. You’d die of a heart attack if you ever met one in the water. However, they cannot eat anything larger that a quarter. Works for me!!!

We will be heading to Florida on Thursday, working our way down to the Keys at our usual snails pace (come to think of it…..I didn’t see any snails at the aquarium……….ah ha….it’s not so complete after all). We have been receiving very complete and detailed instructions from Rob and Betty as to how one handles oneself in Key West. These instructions all seem to centre on a local establishment known as the Green Parrot Bar (GPB in the instructions). I’m not sure if we’ll fit in!! A sample of Rob’s detailed instructions for a perfect day in KW …………

“OK...ARE YOU READY ??...Pedal HARD to Green Parrot Bar...do not be distracted by " sights"......belly up - that's Betty in the far corner....she's trying to ignore a few particularly wasted GPB clients ( aged hippies wanderers, perverts, etc)...check the juke box (world's best)...hang in until sunset which is early in Nov so you shouldn't be too bad ..yet....Sunset is KW's main attraction,( apart from the GPB), usually offered with some sort of alcoholic stimulation...and at great cost...there's a nice park just west of the GPB where you can watch it for free....wobble over to the Seven Fish (reservation req'd)...ignore orientation of staff...great food and wines....but don't linger too long...time to wobble/pedal HARD back to Green Parrot where the " floor show" (literally ) should just be getting underway - note changed clientele...if this isn't eclectic...mingle with the band, as they play, (you have no choice )...etc.,etc.

We’ve been studying hard and hope that we’ll be able to make the grade in KW. Film at 11:00!! We hope to be in the Keys by the weekend. We may need to call Rob and Betty for back-up!

1 comment:

Wil said...

The odyssey continues...

I suggest the use of "about" rather than "of" in your difficult sentence up there.

Be sure to stop at New Smyrna Beach on your way to the Keys and drive that big, beautiful motor home on the beach -- it's wicked good fun.