Summer is winding to an end and preparation is underway to get back on the road. Flights have been booked to put us back in Victoria on September 4. Allowing a few days to clean up the RV and get stocked up, we should be rolling again by the 7’th.
It has been great to spend the summer with family and friends but, we are also looking forward to new discoveries on the road. My little “customization” of the motorhome from last year has supposedly been repaired over the summer but………… it has been impossible to get an oil change in Victoria ……….. for the ENTIRE SUMMER????? What the heck is that all about?? It sounds like anyone looking for a great business opportunity should start changing oil in large trucks on Vancouver Island. Who knew??
Our plan is explore Vancouver Island, head to the Okanagan Valley (one of our favourite spots in Canada) and then turn right for Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas. Stay tuned!!